What is global engineering competency (GEC)? We understand global engineering competency (GEC) as those capabilities uniquely or especially important for engineers and other technical professionals who are challenged to span national/cultural boundaries. While GEC is closely related to other professional and global competencies, we argue that global engineering is partially distinct from other kinds of global professional practice. Our work is also guided by the idea that how individuals behave in specific situations is often closely linked to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they possess. For more information about how we conceptualize GEC, please consult the materials listed in our GEC Project - Resource Guide.
How did you create the global engineering scenarios that are available on this site? The scenarios were developed by collecting related literature (e.g., case studies) and conducting one-on-one and group interviews with 25 subject matter experts (SMEs). Our research team performed many rounds of writing and revision to make each scenario as clear and plausible as possible, and to construct scenarios that could be handled in many different ways. Development of the associated response options was in part based on how novices (undergraduate students) and SMEs (practicing engineers) responded to each scenarios in an open-ended format, and further enriched by additional theoretical and experiential inputs from our team members. For more information, please consult our GEC Project - Resource Guide.
How should I use these scenarios for training and/or assessment purposes? We have found that case-based and intercultural training techniques are often very appropriate for planning and facilitating the use of scenarios for training. There are also any possible ways to use the scenarios for assessment, including open-ended and scaled approaches to collecting and scoring results. We strongly recommend that visitors consult our GEC Project - Resource Guide for materials that provide in-depth discussions and examples of how to deploy the scenarios for these kinds of uses.
What are the licensing provisions for these scenarios, and how am I allowed to use them? The scenarios publicly posted on this site are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license permits you to copy or redistribute the material in any medium or format, so long as you: give appropriate credit/attribution, identify and provide a link to this license, only use the material for non-commercial purposes, and do not distribute modifications of the materials.
Who created the materials in this collection, and how do I properly cite or attribute them? The principal investigators and editors for the GEC Project are Profs. Brent K. Jesiek and Sang Eun Woo. We also gratefully acknowledge an extensive list of contributors who helped develop these materials. Every page on this site has a suggested citation which can be used to give proper attribution.
Do you have any more GEC scenarios, and how do I access them? All scenarios posted on the GEC Project - Scenario Index page are available for use following the Creative Commons license provisions. Many additional scenarios are available for use by our clients and partners. These can be found on our GEC Project - Premium Scenario Index page. Please contact the lead investigator, Prof. Brent K. Jesiek, for more information.
Where can I take your GEC assessment surveys, and/or direct my students or trainees to take them? We have created the Global Assessment Platform (GAP) to provide free access to our basic GEC China and GEC Germany surveys. The site includes real-time analysis and reporting of survey results benchmarked against a baseline sample of 400 engineers. To get started, visit the Global Assessment Platform (GAP) site.
Is additional support available for deploying the scenarios for training and/or assessment purposes? Yes, consulting services are available to help organizations deploy the materials and approaches described on this site, including for instructional and/or assessment purposes. Our research team is also open to exploring possible research collaborations related to the work presented here. Please contact the lead investigator, Prof. Brent K. Jesiek, for more information.